Brian "bits" Olsen
I am an idealist and social egalitarian who loves positive-sum games.
The internet makes distributed collaboration possible, but serves a profit-ruled system driving humans towards multiple crises. Open source software produced Linux, Apache Web Server, and the many innovative software projects that challenge the oligopoly of the 90’s and distributed power to many independent creators and small businesses. Open source has reached an impasse where some corporations use it as a marketing strategy rather than an incentive to empower their consumers. This has eroded trust and confused the messaging around how we harness open source. There is definitely a lot of value in having corporations involved in open source, but I want to educate members of open source communities about the power they gain in open source structures that end up benefiting not just consumers, employees, and companies, but the rest of humanity with sustainable tradeoffs. I became aware of the power of open standards and open movements working in developer relations for open source projects like Apache Iceberg, Trino, and larger data and machine learning communities. After five years at two startups I developed a multifaceted view on building a successful product and business around permissive licensing.
My goal is to create educational resources around open source, data privacy, artificial intelligence, and a concept I call open syndicalism. Open syndicalism is a portmanteau of open source and syndicalism. It combines classical free market concept along with worker control over the means of production and minimal private ownership. It relies heavily on trust and education networks to control positive behavior between groups as opposed to economic policy control by a government or oligarchy. If we can empower every human with access to education, opportunity, and social and economic capital, I believe the world will have a better environment that encourages collaboration, reawakens the value of individuals, and reflects the will of the people through.
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trino-getting-started 星标数 257 4个月前 更新
bitsondatadev 是 1 个团队的成员:
bitsondatadev 在 4个月前 加入。