
Konrad Talik

Freelance Data Application Engineer

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I turn data into live applications. Support me if you like any of my projects. Thanks!


ktalik 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


mining-social-network-graphs 星标数 7 5年前 更新

An Introduction to Mining of Social Network Graphs based on Rajaraman, Anand, and Jeffrey D. Ullman. Mining of massive datasets. Chapter 10

ml-and-conflict-prevention-python 星标数 0 7年前 更新

Test case of machine learning and conflict prediction in Python

bio-inspired-microrobotics 星标数 1 8年前 更新

Overview of Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory and other robotic inspirations

maketests 星标数 1 9年前 更新

:white_check_mark: Make system tests with GNU Make and GNU Bash

ml-and-conflict-prevention (分支) 星标数 0 8年前 更新

Test case of machine learning and conflict prediction.


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