
Ashnee HS

A freelancer artist and crappy youtuber, on a journey of human self discovery.

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Ah, a complete description of myself and I do? Isn't that too hard? Heh, I'll give it a go.

Hey, how are you? I'm Ashnee, an artist. Living in Italy, born in Argentina - a foreigner in both worlds.

I don't have a defined genre, I'll draw what I feel like. I struggle with art on a daily basis, taking forced long breaks destroys me and I have to start from scratch every single time. But I don't give up. Never. That's why my youtube channel is simply somewhat alive, never too full, but never too empty.

Seriously I'm a disaster at describing myself, I'm sorry. Some quick things about me: - I try to use as much free/libre open source software as I can - Same goes for pictures, music etc if I can't buy the rights to use them - I try to contribute to the world with cc-0 and cc-by stuff like photos I take occasionally or things like resources for journaling - I'm part of the grsm community both as an ally and as a genderfluid pansex/panrom person.


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