

I share pictures and I am involved in Open Source communities

MeowMeowMeow 有 0 名赞助者。


Hello you!

I am a French and English speaker who send pictures (of her boobs) on the Internet for the common good and who contribute to the free software and Open Source promotion.

Why do I make a Liberapay page?

Because I am a venal creature greedy for money...

How's that, no ?

Ok fine, it's because life generates expenses, and I can't assume the cost of life with my profesional activities right now. I would like to not have to choose between buying food or buying underwear. Therefore each little donation will help me to buy new things, for your amazed eyes! Underwear, component for my computer -my main work tool- which is starting to show signs of intense weakness, a good camera (I think to buy a FairPhone, it will kill two birds with one stone), a webcam... all dreams are allowed!

You can also find me...

On Mastodon : https://catboy.cafe/@MeowMeowMeow


MeowMeowMeow 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


MeowMeowMeow 在 6年前 加入。

每周收入 (欧元)
