
Max Lee

Co-Owner and Developer of @Minebench; Resource Staff for @SpigotMC; Freelance Developer and Sysadmin

Phoenix616 有 0 名赞助者。


Hi! 👋 My name is Max, I am a German software engineer and fan of open source, crypto currencies and llamas.

I am creating lots of different open source stuff out of pizza and beer, mostly in Java and for Minecraft but I have some other random projects as well, just check out my repos! 😊

Most of the projects are done for my own (completely free) survival Minecraft server Minebench.de. (Lots of its code can be found here and is open source too!) I have also written a good amount of Minecraft related libraries like InventoryGui, MineDown and lang and am currently maintaining ChestShop 3 and TravelPortals. On top of all of these projects I contributed to Bukkit, Spigot and Paper too! (See my own Paper fork Origami for even more experimental patches!)


Phoenix616 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


ResourcepacksPlugins 星标数 76 1个月前 更新

Set resource packs on whole proxy, per server and per world!

InventoryGui 星标数 161 1个月前 更新

A library for Bukkit plugins to create GUIs with inventories

MineDown 星标数 277 8个月前 更新

A MarkDown inspired markup library for Minecraft chat components

RandomTeleport 星标数 16 1年前 更新

Bukkit plugin which lets you teleport players to random locations. [v2 requires 1.13+]

VersionConnector 星标数 10 2年前 更新

Bungee plugin to connect different Minecraft client versions to different servers on join

IDConverter 星标数 12 3年前 更新

Converts numeric item IDs to Bukkit Material names (1.13 and legacy) in files (e.g. configs)


Phoenix616 在 3年前 加入。

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