

I create free cultural works in Esperanto and other languages.

Tirifto 每周收到 €0.00 捐款,来自 0 名赞助者。
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I am creating free cultural works, mostly written in the international language Esperanto. I am a fluent speaker hoping to make more original content available in it and to set a good example for others, through both careful observance of the grammar and frugal use of neologisms which could put the simplicity and neutrality of the language at risk. My works include:

  • Short stories
  • Poetry
  • Essays
  • Vocabularies
  • Translations (of several free software projects)

Some of those are translated to (or originally written in) Czech or English, so my activity is not entirely limited to Esperanto. Any support is very welcome and most of my original works are being published on my website, so come take a look!


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Tirifto 在 3个月前 加入。

每周收入 (欧元)
