
Paolo Amoroso

Blogging about Lisp, astronomy & space, retrocomputing

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I'm an astronomy and space popularizer, a Lisp enthusiast, and a Google Product Expert.

I've been using and programming computers as a hobby since the early 1980s. This long adventure led me to read about and experiment with many programming languages and environments, from Z-80 and MC-68000 Assembly to Lisp and Python. And it sparked my interest in retrocomputing.

I write about these interests and projects on my blog and Mastodon profile.

Lisp is the language that comes most natural to me, I'm most productive with, and gives me joy and not just fun. Your donations help support my work on Lisp projects such as coding, curating documentation, and blogging.


amoroso 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


stringscope 星标数 3 1周前 更新

A string listing tool in Interlisp

femtounit 星标数 0 2个月前 更新

A unit test framework for Interlisp

free-python-books 星标数 4627 2个月前 更新

Python books free to read online or download

suite8080 星标数 20 6个月前 更新

A suite of Intel 8080 Assembly tools

sysrama 星标数 0 1年前 更新

A documentation tool for Interlisp

braincons 星标数 1 1年前 更新

A Brainfuck implementation in Interlisp

pamoroso 星标数 9 1年前 更新

About Paolo Amoroso


amoroso 在 2年前 加入。

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