
Carsten Igel

This is the profile of a part-time OSS developer and a full-time nerd.

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I am a system architect and full-time nerd. I sometimes started developing some OSS projects. If you like, please take a look at my repositories and if you find a project worth funding, feel free to donate.


carstencodes 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


pdm-bump 星标数 38 本周更新

A small PEP440 compliant bump utility for the Python development master.

pdm-sbom 星标数 3 1个月前 更新

Generate Software Bill of Materials from PDM based projects

flake518 星标数 11 1年前 更新

A small wrapper around flake8 enabling pyproject.toml

kiwi-tcms-extras-social-auth 星标数 0 1年前 更新

Social authentication support for kiwi TCMS

watchdog 星标数 0 2年前 更新

A docker container watchdog

rtcg 星标数 0 3年前 更新

A simple run-time code generation library for python.

merge-conf 星标数 2 3年前 更新

Multiple configuration sources can be combined at run-time using python.

FileSystemPosix 星标数 0 3年前 更新

A small helper for the POSIX file system for C# / .NET.


carstencodes 在 9个月前 加入。

carstencodes 没有选择透露通过 Liberapay 收到多少款项。