

I am crafting software and occasionally making art.

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I'm a computer science rising sophomore who loves to learn new skills and work on open-source software projects outside of the classroom.

Some things I am working on are:

  • lnagb.js: Linear algebra JavaScript library;
  • Adam's To-do: Dead-simple to-do program; and
  • The Terminal: A Guide to Working and Living in the GNU/Linux Command Line (a preview will be available soon)

I am also a Student Associate Member of the Free Software Foundation and a voluntary tutor in computer science and discrete math under my university's Computer Science Undergraduate Council. Another hobby of mine is graphics design (2D and 3D vector, in particular), which I am trying to hone and put into service. Other than classwork and open-source projects, I am learning web development, 3D design with Blender, and video game development with Unreal Engine.

Your sponsorship will greatly motivate my projects and support my learning outside of class which will improve the quality of my service. You can also buy me a book! Thank you so much and have a great day!


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lnagb.js 星标数 3 2年前 更新

Educational linear algebra environment powered by the Web.


cszach 在 3年前 加入。

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