

Rust - machine learning with juice and cargo-spellcheck and many others

drahnr 有 0 名赞助者。
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Full time rust developer

My two major projects are:

  • juice / coaster - Machine Learning framework with backend agnostic compute framework.
  • cargo-spellcheck - Check your documentation with hunspell and languagetool for typos and grammar mistakes.
  • rpm-rs - An implementation of the rpm package format, parser and writer, in pure rust.
  • fatality - A proc-macro for leveled fatality with nesting support
  • expander - Better error messages from proc-macro generated code
  • orchestra - actor~ish pattern, with a declarative approach and graph visualization of data flow

I contribute to dozends of projects every year, that I happen to use or try out.

Donations are used for fixing the more mundane tasks, like continuous integration and the hardware required for that, hosting, domains, DNS, and the time needed improving tests as well as performance measurements. I am also creating presentations for and running the local rust meetup.

Any cent is recoginition for the second decade of OSS contributions :)


drahnr 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


cargo-spellcheck 星标数 309 2周前 更新

Checks all your documentation for spelling and grammar mistakes with hunspell and a nlprule based checker for grammar

oregano 星标数 209 1年前 更新

Schematic capture and circuit simulator

cantaloupe 星标数 0 3年前 更新

rpm repository as a service, not ready for anything just yet

scalpel 星标数 4 4年前 更新

Binary snipping tool for embedded deployments and key injections

wondershaper-rpm 星标数 0 4年前 更新

rpm spec file for the latest and greatest wondershaper

messagebird-async 星标数 3 4年前 更新

API binding for https://messagebird.com - send and receive SMS

autosuspenddisk 星标数 0 9年前 更新

systemd way of automatically suspending a disk on bootup

rpm-rs (分支) 星标数 0 3年前 更新

A pure rust library for building and parsing RPM's

railcar (分支) 星标数 32 3年前 更新

RailCar: Rust implementation of the Open Containers Initiative oci-runtime

rpgp (分支) 星标数 0 4年前 更新

Pure rust implementation of OpenPGP

sccache (分支) 星标数 0 4年前 更新

sccache is ccache with cloud storage

constellation (分支) 星标数 0 4年前 更新

🌌 Pluggable authoritative DNS server. Entries can be added & removed from an HTTP REST API.

coz (分支) 星标数 0 4年前 更新

Coz: Causal Profiling

relay8x (分支) 星标数 0 6年前 更新

Serial driver for the no-name relaise card USB/Serial/TTL converter


drahnr 在 6年前 加入。

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