
Luciano (Jared Way)

creating literature, imaginary maps and supporting software

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I create imaginary maps and provide hosting and admin support for opengeofiction.net, under the username Luciano. I currently provide the servers hosting that site. In my free time, I also try to develop the "OGF software stack" (which is the open source platform developed by openstreetmap.org and wiki by mediawiki.org) and other geofiction software tools on my other websites, including geofictician.net and rent-a-planet.com, including hosting several other imaginary planets: Arhet, Rahet, Tehra...

I'm on discord as geofictician

I'm on Mastodon as @luciano@mapstodon.space

I sorta blog once or twice a month at blog.geofictician.net on geofiction and OpenGeofiction admin topics

I reliably blog twice daily at caveatdumptruck.com (often quite brief entries) about life in rural Alaska, writing poetry, and other random thoughts and observations.

My professional website (such as it is) is raggedsign.net


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