

I'm Here to Fund My College Education

hackedubuntu 有 0 名赞助者。


Hi Everybody,

About 4 years ago, I quited my Computer Engineering education at one of Top 10 Universities of Turkey. Because of money. My family is not rich (actually neither an average family, too). So, they couldn't help me to go on. Now, I am going to go to University again and I want some help from you. If you can help me, I want to become an engineer. So, Thanks for Reading and Your Helps.


hackedubuntu 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


xss2 星标数 0 4年前 更新

hacking-tools 星标数 0 4年前 更新

Hacking Tools in Python3

fromSoundOfSneezeToUnderstandingBehaviours 星标数 0 4年前 更新

I will put here some of codes about sneeze recognition with fuzzy logic and machine learning

BirthdayParadoxInCLang 星标数 0 6年前 更新

Birthday Paradox is to understand collision of hash algorithms

LinearAlgebraAndNumericalMethods 星标数 0 7年前 更新

Implements of Linear Algebra and Numerical Methods commonly in C programming language

bash_commands 星标数 0 7年前 更新

For my all bash commands


hackedubuntu 在 3年前 加入。

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