
H. Kamran

I'm an open-source developer who writes articles occasionally

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My name is H. Kamran, and I'm a developer who likes to take photos! I work on open-source projects, like my apps Schedules and Ramadan Taskminder, and helping to maintain 2fa.directory.


hkamran 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


ramadan-taskminder 星标数 1 1个月前 更新

Ramadan Taskminder allows you to stay on top of your tasks for Ramadan. Keep track of your Qur'an reading, prayers, and other key tasks.

schedules 星标数 3 2个月前 更新

An app for schedules. Find out exactly how much time is remaining in a period or what the period is.

schedules-flutter 星标数 0 8个月前 更新

Schedules - all your schedules in one app


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