

Free Software contributor, mainly focused on SailfishOS

ichthyosaurus 每周收到 CHF0.50 捐款,来自 2 名赞助者。
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I am a university student developing Free Software in my spare time, and occasionally drinking some coffee.


My current focus lies on developing apps and patches for SailfishOS. Projects include the standard file manager File Browser, the diary app Captain's Log, the patch development utility sailfish-patch, and the improved color emoji keyboard patch.

Supporting the cause

I am grateful for any donations and it makes me happy to see my work being appreciated - thank you!

If you consider donating to me, consider donating or contributing to other awesome projects as well: Free Software Foundation Europe and Digitale Gesellschaft fight for a more open digital society in Europe. If you want to have a good time, you can translate or donate to David Revoy's Pepper & Carrot, and if you can code and are seeking a challenge, contribute to rubdos's Signal client Whisperfish. They definitely need your support more than I do!

One-time donations

Liberapay does not yet fully support one-time donations. You can create a recurring donation and cancel it after the first payment, though.


ichthyosaurus 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


harbour-parkingchaos 星标数 2 1个月前 更新

Rush hour in your parking lot! A simple logic game for SailfishOS.

harbour-minidoro 星标数 2 2个月前 更新

A native Pomodoro Technique timer for Sailfish OS.

sailfish-public-patch-sources 星标数 6 4个月前 更新

Sources for all my SailfishOS patches

harbour-todolist 星标数 4 10个月前 更新

Todolist is a simple todo list app for SailfishOS.

sailfish-patch 星标数 4 10个月前 更新

Develop SailfishOS patches

harbour-meteoswiss 星标数 2 2年前 更新

An unofficial client to the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss). Forecasts are available offline and updated hourly.

watchit 星标数 3 3年前 更新

File system watcher, optionally using pyinotify

sf-about-page 星标数 1 4年前 更新

A simple 'About' page with license and contributors information for Sailfish apps.

sf-docked-tab-bar 星标数 5 4年前 更新

A docked tab bar component for Sailfish apps.

harbour-file-browser (分支) 星标数 7 3个月前 更新

A comprehensive file manager for SailfishOS.

harbour-captains-log (分支) 星标数 4 7个月前 更新

Little diary application for SailfishOS [new home]


ichthyosaurus 在 3年前 加入。

每周收入 (瑞士法郎)
