
Jesse Squires

indie software developer, open source author, writer, podcaster

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I'm an independent and freelance iOS developer, open source contributor, and co-host of the Swift Unwrapped podcast. I write regularly on my blog about various topics, occasionally speak at conferences, and work on a lot of different projects. You can learn more about me here.


jsq 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


Foil 星标数 424 1周前 更新

A lightweight property wrapper for UserDefaults done right

TIL 星标数 280 1周前 更新

Things I've learned and/or things I want to remember. Notes, links, advice, example code, etc.

JSQCoreDataKit 星标数 613 1周前 更新

A swifter Core Data stack

jessesquires.com 星标数 42 2周前 更新

Turing complete with a stack of 0xdeadbeef

Nine41 星标数 158 4个月前 更新

Automate overriding the status bars for all running iOS simulators

wwdc-notes 星标数 13 5个月前 更新

Taking notes on WWDC videos, new APIs, and announcements

ios-watchdog 星标数 26 2年前 更新

Main thread watchdog for iOS

JSQSystemSoundPlayer 星标数 581 2年前 更新

A fancy Obj-C wrapper for Cocoa System Sound Services

esoteric-swift 星标数 97 3年前 更新

A collection of obscure Swift programs. The less comprehensible, the better — just like normal code.

JSQMessagesViewController 星标数 11159 5年前 更新

An elegant messages UI library for iOS


jsq 在 5年前 加入。

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