
kadir ilkimen

I develop open source software and machines for diy makers and workshops.

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I like to code, design and build machines. I work on open source projects that would be useful to people.

I am currently working on a cnc machine design and cam software that would be useful for DIY makers and workshops. If I got support, I would spend more time on projects and even fund other developers to help with projects.

See my latest open source project on the link : http://www.kadirilkimen.com/thepolarbear


kadirilkimen 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


polarToolsJS 星标数 9 1年前 更新

An online tool for g-code converting. It can convert g-code into the Polar Bear CNC compatible coordinates.

Polar-Bear-Cnc-Machine 星标数 408 2年前 更新

A multipurpose, 2 linear, 1 rotary axis cnc machine concept

gCodeLibJS 星标数 3 3年前 更新

Gcode library for javascript

gCodePolarizerJS 星标数 1 3年前 更新

A library for converting Cartesian g-code coordinates to Polar Bear compatible coordinates


kadirilkimen 在 3年前 加入。

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