
AC Kodigero

I create YouTube videos about game development.

kodigerotv 的目标是每周收到 US$150.00 的捐款。
捐赠   PayPal


Hi, I'm Kodigero, a Filipino boomer aspiring to be an indie game developer. I plan to create my own game and I started learning Unreal Engine because of it. While learning, it would be a waste not to share my learning experience so I decided to make a content out of it. Along the way, I will create devlogs, tutorials and hopefully start my first indie game.

I created this page just so you could support me on this selfish endeavor. I am still new to this so if you would be so kind to suggest any ideas that we can implement here, that would be great!

But the most important thing is... THANK YOU!

While the financial support is really not necessary, those who would like to is very much highly appreciated. Thank you fellow kodigeros! I'm so grateful for your support and I'm looking forward to build my first game with you all. Your kind words and support are greatly appreciated. Its just amazing to see a boomer like decide to run across the grain of the conventional indie game dev world. I look forward to whatever interesting challenges come forward as my journey grows and expands. Good luck and happy game editing to all!


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kodigerotv 在 3年前 加入。

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