
Murillo Pugliesi

mukarillo 每周收到 US$0.00 捐款,来自 0 名赞助者。
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Unity developer with passion. I love to share knowledge and to learn with the open source community!


mukarillo 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


UnityTetris 星标数 255 6个月前 更新

Tetris clone written in C# and using Unity engine to render.

UnityDynamicScrollRect 星标数 474 3年前 更新

An optimized approach to lists with dozens of elements and a Pooling system

UnityProminentColor 星标数 54 3年前 更新

Tool to gather main colors of an image using Unity.

UnityBust-a-Move 星标数 30 4年前 更新

Bust-a-Move clone written in C# and using Unity engine to render.

UnityMatch3 星标数 60 4年前 更新

Fully functional match3 game written in c# and rendered in Unity.

UnityPooling 星标数 15 5年前 更新

An optimized approach object pooling.

UnityDebugConsole 星标数 11 5年前 更新

This tool will help you debug game features while playing without having to create a debug panel from scratch.

UnitySoundManager 星标数 60 5年前 更新

Sound manager with 3 tracks, language system, pooling system, Fade in/out effects, EventTrigger system and more.

UnityLocalizationManager 星标数 10 6年前 更新

Localization system to manage multiple languages including date time, currencies, and other informations that change depending on current language.


mukarillo 在 5年前 加入。

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