
Jeronimo Barraco-Marmol

My goal is to make a video-game to help people face and overcome trauma. Please help me and be part

nande 的目标是每周收到 NZ$1,250.00 的捐款。
捐赠   付款卡 直接借记 PayPal


My goal is to make a video-game to help people face and overcome trauma. Please help me and be part of it!

I love technology, art, life and development (teaching and learning). My passion is to mix all that. I'm a video game architect, project manager, game designer, music and life lover. Always working hard on continuous personal evolution. Most of all i love contributing to the community and making a social impact with my work. This page will make possible to give my work to all the world.


nande 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


utils 星标数 4 6个月前 更新

samples 星标数 2 8个月前 更新

Repo with sample codes and experiments

kafx 星标数 2 1年前 更新

python framework to do synchronized text/vfx on karaoke videos

panda2d 星标数 1 1年前 更新

2d library to use with Panda3d

banta 星标数 1 1年前 更新

Punto de venta + Control de stock + Impresoras seriales. Multiplataforma

maze-mania 星标数 0 1年前 更新

glftest_a 星标数 0 2年前 更新

breakout 星标数 0 2年前 更新

Sample breakout game using haxe and OpenFL. Made in less than 1 day or two.

ue5-rt-audiovisualizer 星标数 2 2年前 更新

Real time audio visualizer with materials

3d 星标数 0 3年前 更新


nande 在 3年前 加入。

每周收入 (新西兰元)
