
Karl Voit

My main driver is Personal Information Management, its processes, methods and tools

publicvoit 有 0 名赞助者。


My web page is https://karl-voit.at/ and I provide many articles about PIM https://karl-voit.at/tags/pim/ and GNU Emacs https://karl-voit.at/tags/emacs/

You can find my tools on https://github.com/novoid/ and https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/

I link all my public talks and press coverage on https://karl-voit.at/clippings/


publicvoit 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


Orgdown 星标数 65 4个月前 更新

Orgdown (in short “OD) is a lightweight markup language similar to Markdown but it’s consistent, easy to learn, simple to type even without tool-support, and it is based on its older brother: Org-mode

jira-desktop-notifications 星标数 0 2年前 更新

Desktop notifications for new Jira tickets

date2name 星标数 77 3周前 更新

Handling time-stamps and date-stamps in file names

lazyblorg 星标数 392 2个月前 更新

Blogging with Org-mode for very lazy people

dot-emacs 星标数 182 2个月前 更新

My GNU/Emacs configuration

guess-filename.py 星标数 44 3个月前 更新

Derive a file name according to old file name cues and/or PDF file content

Memacs 星标数 969 4个月前 更新

What did I do on February 14th 2007? Visualize your (digital) life in Org-mode

org-du 星标数 22 4个月前 更新

Visualizing Emacs Org-mode heading lines using du and xdu

appendorgheading 星标数 8 4个月前 更新

Append a new Org mode heading to an existing Org mode file

filetags 星标数 235 4个月前 更新

Management of simple tags within file names

exchange2org 星标数 20 4个月前 更新

Connects to your Exchange server and extracts data in Org-mode format

Tatort-sorter 星标数 1 4个月前 更新

Sort and rename files of German Tatort episodes to subdirectories according to Ermittler

integratethis 星标数 20 4个月前 更新

Integrate programs or scripts into common tools like Windows Explorer context menu

move2archive 星标数 23 10个月前 更新

Managing event-related files in a folder hierarchy like "<ARCHIVE>/2013/2013-05-17 Event name/"

orgformat 星标数 27 2年前 更新

Utility library for providing functions to generate and modify Org mode syntax elements like links, time-stamps, or date-stamps.

LaTeX-KOMA-template 星标数 198 2年前 更新

Generic template for midsize and larger documents based on KOMA script classes.

tagstore 星标数 26 2年前 更新

a research software; a fun way of storing files & folders on your local disk drive; tagging

filetagslib 星标数 7 2年前 更新

Utility library for providing functions related to the filetags file name convention: https://github.com/novoid/filetags

appendfilename 星标数 48 2年前 更新

Intelligent appending text to file names, considering file extensions and file tags

muttfilter.py 星标数 7 2年前 更新

Per-contact FROM-email addresses for users of mutt and org-contacts.el


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