
Sangye Ince-Johannsen

Financing for Lone.Earth: platform for nature, wildlife, timelapse, & aerial videos & documentaries

sij 的目标是每周收到 US$17.50 的捐款。
捐赠   付款卡 直接借记 PayPal


Hey there!

I launched Lone.Earth in 2024 as a platform for nature, wildlife, timelapse, & aerial videos & documentaries.

I can keep the operational costs very low because the site is powered by free open source software (PeerTube), I secured an extremely cost-effective server at a green datacenter to power it, and I'm an attorney in my day job and therefore can handle all legal aspects "in-house."

That said, it's not free. Specifically, I pay approximately $65/month for the hosting, and another $5/month for the domain. I can cover these amounts, but for this platform to be sustainable in the long run it would be fantastic to get some help with it.

Thanks for your support!


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每周收入 (美元)
