
Michael McMahon

technologyclassroom 有 0 名赞助者。


technologyclassroom 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


SetupNotes 星标数 10 2个月前 更新

Notes on setting up systems within educational settings

HardwareTest 星标数 6 5个月前 更新

Scripts to test the hardware of your computer

RaspberryPiProgrammingWorkshop 星标数 18 3年前 更新

RPiPW = resources + notes + code samples for a workshop introducing the Raspberry Pi as a beginner's programming environment

dice-mechanic-sim 星标数 5 4年前 更新

dicemechanicsim (DMS) tests game mechanics for Midnight Riders, the tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG)

publishing-workshop 星标数 0 5年前 更新

Self-publish your book without overhead using Sphinx

PXE 星标数 15 6年前 更新

Instructions and configurations for configuring PXE servers

CuttleMultiplayer 星标数 1 6年前 更新

Cuttle is a strategic, battle card game that can be played with a standard deck of playing cards.

Midnight-Riders (分支) 星标数 0 2年前 更新

Midnight Riders: A Role-Playing Game of Bikers & Beasts


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