

I create content & art that is released under a copyleft license. All my work is freely available.

theibbster 的目标是每周收到 £325.00 的捐款。
捐赠   付款卡 直接借记 PayPal


Out of a desire to make the knowledge I have as accessible as possible, and out of the belief that knowledge should be free, I ensure all my content is freely available. If possible I also make sure all software I create is open source and all other content is under a creative commons license.

If you have found my work helpful, or connected with it in any way, please consider supporting me.

I'm not currently able to be employed for health reasons, so every little helps :)


theibbster 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


ibby.me 星标数 0 1年前 更新

My personal site

docker-media-server 星标数 46 2年前 更新

Jellyfin media server with sonarr, radarr, ombi, jackett, deluge and traefik

ibby.blog 星标数 0 4年前 更新

My personal blog

Creative-coding-intro-presentation 星标数 0 5年前 更新

Introduction to coding with p5js presentation

docker-dns-dhcp 星标数 21 5年前 更新

A dns and dhcp server for your local network, with optional ad blocking

game-of-life-processing 星标数 1 5年前 更新

Game of life, in processing, with zoom out

react-p5-sphere-viz 星标数 1 5年前 更新

A demonstration mixing p5.js and React together


theibbster 在 4年前 加入。

每周收入 (英镑)
