
Isabella & Hans Rosendiem

Consider donating if my contribution to your Icelandic learning is valuable to you.

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I'm a native Icelandic speaker who started "thenativespeak" to help her friends learn Icelandic via small pronunciation projects.

Then strangers became interested too!

What I do: Converting public domain cartoons into 2-6 parts, like Popeye, I slowly pronounce each sentence for you. After creating the Icelandic cartoon script, I then publish it and the video part on YouTube. Translations of each word in the script is freely available under each publication.

My country of Iceland is small with only just over 350 thousand people, so at the end of the day it is really my pleasure to help my language thrive with whomever daring enough to learn.

My request of you is, as I continue providing the funnest & most useful content I can for you in my spare time, please consider donating if my contribution to your Icelandic learning is valuable to you. Even if that just means 1 single dollar.

Thank you for reading this far. I really wish you the best time learning : )


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