
Sati 恕舜

Wencai Chinese Academy

wencai-chinese 的目标是每周收到 SGD1,000.00 的捐款。
捐赠   付款卡 直接借记


Wencai(文采) is used to denote literary talent in a person. To have wencai (有文采) is to be highly skilled and proficient in the language.

I am a language professional who aspires to make professional knowledge and expertise easily accessible to everyone in the world.

I work to provide high quality teaching and learning material to all Chinese learners and language lovers at every level at low cost, if not for free.

Visit my website to check out the content I am offering.


wencai-chinese 持有其他平台上的下列账号:


wencai.org 星标数 0 9个月前 更新

Learn Chinese like a Pro. For Free. 有文采的中文,屬於您。

translator-bot 星标数 0 9个月前 更新

Translator bot that lives on matrix.org. Translates everything you post into Chinese. (Or any other language)


wencai-chinese 在 9个月前 加入。

每周收入 (新加坡元)
