
H. A. Hernandez

Aspiring Writer

~1765404 的目标是每周收到 US$100.00 的捐款。
捐赠   PayPal


Hello Everyone!

I want to introduce myself...I go by my name H. A. Hernandez and I am on this platform in hopes of being supported as a creator. As many of you know it can be hard to make a living as a writer but I will not bore you with the explanation of that. I am sincere about making the best possible content for my supporters as I feel that would be my job as a writer. I would like your support based purely on what I publish for the world to see whether it's poetry, essays, prose, short stories and books. I believe I have finally awakened what had been housed in me my whole life and that is the ability to write thoughts and tell stories to ignite the soul. If you take this journey with me you will help me silence the child within who has cried out for years to find a place in this world. You see writing is my only power and I hope with your generosity will help bring a dream come true. Thank you in advance and I appreciate your support!


H. A. Hernandez


~1765404 在 3年前 加入。

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