

Diaphora, the most advanced Free and Open Source program diffing tool

Diaphora 每周收到 €8.68 捐款,来自 5 名赞助者。
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This is the official Liberapay page of Diaphora (διαφορά, Greek for 'difference') version 3.1.2, the most advanced program diffing tool, in the form of an IDA plugin. It was released first in 2015 and has been actively maintained since this year porting and testing it for every single minor version of IDA since 6.8 to 8.4. It's actively maintained and improved every year, adding multiple new features not available in any other binary diffing tool.

Diaphora supports versions of IDA from 7.4 up to 8.4, the latest version as of February 2024.

What your donation is for

Donating on this page directly funds the author and maintainer of Diaphora, and it also helps paying the domain name, as well as the future servers hosted in Digital Ocean that will be used in server versions of Diaphora (still under development).

Unique Features of Diaphora

Diaphora has many of the most common program diffing (bindiffing) features you might expect, like:

  • Diffing assembler.
  • Diffing control flow graphs.
  • Porting symbol names and comments.
  • Adding manual matches.
  • Similarity ratio calculation.
  • Batch automation.
  • Call graph matching calculation.
  • Dozens of heuristics based on graph theory, assembler, bytes, functions' features, etc...

However, Diaphora has also many features that are unique, not available in any other public tool. The following is a non extensive list of unique features:

  • Ability to port structs, enums, unions and typedefs.
  • Potentially fixed vulnerabilities detection for patch diffing sessions.
  • Support for compilation units (finding and diffing compilation units).
  • Microcode support.
  • Parallel diffing.
  • Pseudo-code based heuristics.
  • Pseudo-code patches generation.
  • Diffing pseudo-codes (with syntax highlighting!).
  • Scripting support (for both the exporting and diffing processes).
  • ...


Diaphora finding the exact function where a vulnerability was patched in CVE-2020-1350:


Diaphora, again, finding the exact function where CVE-2023-28231 was fixed:


CVE-2023-28231. As explained in a blog from ZDI, the vulnerability was fixed by checking that the number of relay forward messages in "ProcessRelayForwardMessage()" is not bigger or equal than 32 (0x20), as shown in the following pseudo-code diffing:


Diaphora doing Hex-Ray's microcode diffing:

Diffing microcode in a graph

Diffing assembly, pseudo-code and microcode:

Assembly, pseudo-code and microcode

Diffing CVE-2023-21768 with Diaphora 3.0:

Diffing CVE-2023-21768 with #Diaphora 3.0

This is a screenshot of Diaphora diffing the PEGASUS iOS kernel Vulnerability fixed in iOS 9.3.5:

Diffing iOS 9.3.5 diff

And this is an old screenshot of Diaphora diffing the Microsoft bulletin MS15-034:

Diaphora diffing MS15-034

These are some screenshots of Diaphora diffing the Microsoft bulletin MS15-050, extracted from the blog post Analyzing MS15-050 With Diaphora from Alex Ionescu.

Diaphora diffing MS15-050, best matches Diaphora diffing MS15-050, partial matches Diaphora diffing MS15-050, diffing pseudo-code

Diaphora diffing a LuaBot, matches and pseudo-code

Here is a screenshot of Diaphora diffing iBoot from iOS 10.3.3 against iOS 11.0:

Diaphora diffing iBoot from iOS 10.3.3 against iOS 11.0

Download Diaphora

Diaphora is Free Software. Get it at: https://github.com/joxeankoret/diaphora


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diaphora 星标数 3606 本周更新

Diaphora, the most advanced Free and Open Source program diffing tool.

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