
International Archaeology and Historical Linguistics Society

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国际考古学暨历史语言学学会,是2016年由著名历史学家、古文字学家、易学家、汉学史家、前中国人民大学教授、前中国华东师范大学教授、前日本爱知学院大学客座研究员、前日本京都大学研究员、日本国文学博士刘正(族名刘元正)先生在美国发起成立并得到了美国德州政府的支持和批准注册的国际一级学术团体。现有正式成员涉及到十四个国家数百名国际上著名学者加盟。有正式官网(官网地址是:www.iahls.org)。并有正式的微信公共号《考古暨历史语言通讯》作为本学会微刊、有正式出版发行的多语言电子期刊季刊《国际考古学暨历史语言学学会学报(JIAHLS)》(刊号为:ISSN 2574—447X) 国际考古学暨历史语言学学会会址如下:

6322 Windermere Park Ln.; Sugar Land City;TX 77479;USA


<2805532604@QQ.COM> (秘书处)


<kyotosizumoto@hotmail.com> (会长个人)




Constitution of the International Archaeology and Historical Linguistics Society

NO. 1 Society

1、The Society is a non-profit international academic community incorporated by the United States Government of Texas. 2、The name of the society is: International Archaeology and Historical Linguistics Society. 3、The Chinese name is: 国际考古学暨历史语言学学会.

NO. 2 Nature of the Society

1、The Society is an international academic organization engaged in the study of archaeology and historical linguistics. The Society is not a country-specific archaeological study society, such as Chinese archaeology, Egyptian archaeology, or American archaeology. Therefore, the Society limits the number of Executive Committee Members in certain countries and regions. The number of Executive Committee Members in certain countries and regions shall not exceed one third of the total number of Executive Committee Members.

2、The total number of Executive Committee Members is set at 64 seats.

NO. 3 Executive President

1、The Society is chaired by the Executive President. Appointments of the offices of Society Vice President and the Academic Members shall be made by the Executive President. The Executive President has the right to establish new positions.

2、The term of office for the Executive President is two years, which may be extended for an additional term.

3、The Executive President has the right to recommend the next successor, however, the recommendee must receive more than half of the Executive Committee votes in order to be appointed.

4、All work performed by the Executive Chairman must receive the approval of more than half of the Executive Committee.

5、If any event occurs during the the Executive President’s term that causes significant damage to the existence and development of the Society, or that damages the Society’s reputation or causes economic harm, then the President has the right to directly remove the Executive President and submit that the Executive Committee elect a new Executive President.

NO. 4 The Society Secretariat

1、In order to maintain the stability of the Society, the Society Secretariat is not within the executive scope of the Executive President. The staffing of the Secretariat is directly arranged by the President.

2、The Society establishes one Secretary and three Vice Secretaries.

3、The Secretariat should cooperate fully with the work of the Executive President.

NO. 5 Member Seniority and Obligations

1、Any professional or non-professional who is interested in the charter of the Society and is interested in archaeology, history, historical linguistics, and linguistics,philologycan apply to join the Society.

2、The Society sets three levels of seniority: membership, committee, and executive committee.

3、Those who have belonged to the Society for one year or more, comply with the rules of the Society, and actively participate in society events may apply to become a committee member. However, applicants must pass the committee vote by more than half of the total number of votes, before they may be approved as committee members. Those who have been committee members for three years or more, comply with the rules of the Society, and actively participate in society events may apply to become an executive committee member. However, applicants must pass the committee vote by more than half of the total number of votes, before they may be approved as executive committee members.

4、Those who have made special contributions to the Society, and have received the approval of the executive council by more than half of the total number of votes, may directly become a committee or executive committee member.

5、The term of office for a committee member is two years, and may serve consecutive terms. The term of office for an executive committee member is three years, and may serve consecutive terms.

6、If serious academic misconduct is committed by a committee or executive committee member, then, pending verification, said member will be directly stripped of their committee or executive committee offices and their related positions in the Society.

NO. 6 Journal

1、The Society will set up an official website and electronic journal. Society news will be published regularly on the official website. It is www.iahls.org

2、A micro-journal of the Society has temporarily been designated on the public WeChat account: "archaeological and historical language communication."

3、The electronic journal will publish bilingual papers in Chinese and English. Papers submitted in Chinese must also submit a summary in English of 500 words or more.

4、The e-Journal of the Society is: Journal of International Archaeology and Historical Linguistics Society. The ISSN is 2574-447X


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